
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hallways Lead to Open Doors

Can a hallway be beautiful? That is the question I asked myself this morning. The reason being, in life at this moment, I feel I am in the hallway.....waiting for the door(s) to open.

What is a hallway? It is defined as a passage in a building from which doors lead INTO rooms. Ah leads to open doors.

As I sit in the hallway, which seems to be a very long hallway, I can't help but think how I can make it beautiful and enjoy being here. Waiting on God and his direction is hard. I get impatient . I get frustrated. But, I know that His plans for me are good. So, while I'm in the hallway, waiting for the open door(s), I will wait with expectancy. I will make it a beautiful place.

In a physical hallway, to make it beautiful, add paint, family pictures, mirrors, paintings, lighting, rugs, chairs, and tables.
For more hallway ideas, visit me on Pinterest.

Enjoy your day! Make it count.

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