
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hope ANCHORS my soul.

I just designed this.. Pretty sure this will be my next tattoo (: A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor. #quote #tattoo #anchor

I have spent a lot of time this summer at the beach. For the past 17 years my husband has worked on the weekends and since he has not had to this summer, we have taken advantage of it by spending them at the beach with family and friends. We had a trusted friend tell us to enjoy this season of our life....and we listened.

That brings me to anchors. While at the beach last Saturday, I thought about anchors. The old song The Anchor Holds came to mind. I asked myself what (or who) is my anchor? While pondering that question I started putting together a board with some cute items with anchors. You can see the list below.

Today, I read a devotion from Port City Community Church in Wilmington, who has been our church away from home. This past month they did a series called Life Interrupted. Can I just say that it has been exactly what Phil and I needed to hear. They have devotions everyday that go right along with their series and today it was called Anchor My Life  (I chuckled at God because He always does stuff like that). You can check it out here:  Port City Devotions

My prayer is that as I walk with Christ, I will hold onto Him as my anchor and that my faith will only grow stronger through the storms.

Check out items by clicking link:

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